Evolution Of An Intelligent Species
Phase 1:
Understand the concept of tools. Must be able to create tools, use them effectively and modify them for specific needs. This includes the process of controlling/creating fire. The concept of tooling must be more than a rock smashing something. It must use at least 2 separate items to fashion a single item utilized to either ease, or make possible, an activity.
Phase 2:
Most creatures are social in nature. This means more along the lines of creating established residence among a group of same species individuals. The residence should be at least semi-permanent, however, the community can be nomadic. Living in trees does not count as an established residence, however, caves in a mountainside could. Community provides the basic framework for organization among a species and is necessary to provide maximum defense and resource management.
Phase 3:
Many things in the world are unexplained at this point in the development of a species. Religion can be specific to an individual community, that is what separates it from science and government, among other things. This is necessary to help control the community. Things like fire and lightening, storms, death, life, etc. confusing and not understood at this point. Without religion a species cannot establish a form of organization and rules and spread those thoughts among the community.
Phase 4:
In the wild, the strongest survive. Trade is a way to utilize the talents of a community to achieve maximum special survival. This must be created amongst several communal groups in order for it to be considered achieved. This shows the desire to preserve the individual, as well as, the species. This can be considered the first, albeit primitive, form of networking. Items can exchange “hands” through various communities making themselves available to areas that would previously not had access to them.
Phase 5:
This, for obvious reasons, is an important aspect of a species. It provides real answers to questions that were previously “answered” by the religion of the community. It will appear after trade because individuals from separate communities will begin to be curious about the world around them. Mostly, the contradiction of separate communal religions will spark curiosity among other individuals, which will eventually lead them to look more closely at the details of their environment. This will also lead to the formation of government.
Phase 6:
Theological Government:
It is a necessary evil. An established form of organized government masses an intense amount of group logic. The government must exist across several communities, not just isolated to one community. This shows the ability to work together among communities to achieve a maximum benefit for the species. It also instills regulation on common communal beliefs in law and trade. This is the step to transform the species egocentric view of their world to an exocentric view, realizing that certain things must be localized and enforced among all members of the species to achieve maximum benefit. This first step of government will be incited by the traditional religion in order to continue the belief and keep scientific explanations within the realm of the religion.
Phase 7:
This is often, a misunderstood topic. It does not have to be violent imperialism, simply the desire to expand the communal government’s sphere of influence to areas beyond their borders, within their planet. This is important because it requires a great deal of risk, resources, dedication, planning, and trust. There is a great maximum benefit to the society here, in that the reward will far outweigh the expenditure. This can be in knowledge, resources, land, etc.
Phase 8:
Liberalism: After imperialism comes liberalism. Simply put, this is the society enjoying the rewards of the imperialistic endeavor. Due to the abundance of resources, influx of knowledge, and new environments, citizens of the society are able to expand their thoughts on science and general existence. This important “peace time” fuels innovation and the desire to correct previous wrongs of the society.
Phase 9:
Democratic Government:
The expanded mindsets, new lands and resources, causes the religious sphere of influence to spread thin and factual scientific methods begin to assist individuals in making more informed decisions with better results. Many citizens will see the flaws of a theological government and push for a democratic government. This, over time, will eventually become the norm. As science advances and generations continue, things once explained by religion will become more reasonably explained through science.
Phase 10:
Digital Revolution:
With the expanse of science and the democratic government in place, technology will begin to increase, rapidly. A breakthrough must be made on how to utilize energy to perform tasks in the most efficient and predictable way, namely computing. This is a must for a species to continue it’s intellectual evolution.
Phase 11:
Space Travel:
With the majority of the species utilizing computing technology and theology taking a backseat to science, the species will develop the ability to leave their planet, if only for a brief stay of time, and then return, successfully. This is a major milestone that will fuel the rest of the species evolution.
Phase 12:
Interplanetary Imperialism:
The desire to travel the stars will become a major focus for the species. The realization that their planet’s existence is finite and the existence of their species is limited to that finite age is what drives this. It may start small, as a local moon or station, however, this will expand to other planets within their system.
Phase 13:
Artificial Intelligence:
Many “AI” systems will have been developed before this but they will not be true AI. The previous attempts will have been “work-arounds” and tricks to present the illusion of AI. The need to create logical, trustworthy, and self-sufficient robots to extend past the solar system will be the drive for this creation. It will be done, at first, utilizing digital and artificial materials and eventually use a cybernetic combination of organic and inorganic materials. The organics will make the ability to utilize AI a much cheaper resource.
Phase 14:
Galactic Imperialism:
With the creation of true AI the species will have developed the key to making long, interstellar voyages. Any organic species will have a finite life cycle and will be affected by social issues of long term flight. With the advances of science and AI, the species will be able to make long trips through prolonged hibernation and multi-generational space crafts. The species will inhabit foreign worlds and find various species at different levels of intellectual evolution.
Phase 15:
Galactic Liberalism:
At this point, all thoughts of religion for the majority will have either become abandoned or adopted a universal acceptance of everything and that all energy is connected to the universe itself. The species, now present through the galaxy, will look to adopt new knowledge from the newly discovered areas to help increase their awareness and understanding of their universal environment. A movement to establish equal and peaceful communications and exchanges amongst like -minded species will develop. The desire to spread scientific knowledge and develop interspecies relations will push this movement, additionally, the common desire of any intellectual species to continue the existence of it’s species to infinity will provide the basis for this collaboration.
Phase 16:
Quantum Revolution:
It may seem like this would come earlier, however, the complexities of the quantum level or difficult to reproduce at will and contain. It will take many years to fully understand the universal physics at a quantum level, and with the advance of AI, various species collaboration on science and technology and the ability to observe universal effects such as black holes and the like, will help this revolution come to pass. This will also open the door to truly sustainable/renewable energy sources, interdimensional travel, and immortality.
Phase 17:
Intergalactic Liberalism:
The quantum revolution opens the door to instant communication/travel across great distances. This leads to an effort to unite the universe and unlock it’s mysteries. This period of time will be much akin to the original exploration of a species home planet. Many worlds will be found of intellectual beings that never fully evolved and phased out, physical world understandings will be unlocked, and life will permeate with a universal network, throughout the universe.
Phase 18:
Complete Existence:
It will come to be that many desires will be impossible and also that some are possible. Time travel will prove to only exist forward and not backward and will be regarded as generally useless. It will be found, through the use of quantum science, that a consciousness can exist outside of it’s body, but not easily. The process will require a “training time” of separating the consciousness from the body and into an alternate medium. This will become common place and eventually lead to beings with perfect bodies and separate consciousness. Eventually, the natural desire to continue the existence of a species will fade, as it will become understood that the energy of the universe finite and needs to be returned. The majority of the original organic species will allow itself to fade from physical existence while AI takes over the perfect bodies, continuing the search for new species to cultivate and assist in intellectual evolution.